HAGRA's supply of tanks can be used for many other purposes as the storage and cooling of milk. They can also be used to heat a fluid or simply to keep it isolated and warm/cold. Because of the hygienical finishing of the inner and outer side of the tanks, almost any fluid can be stored.
Over the years we have sold tanks for the purpose of storing:
What kind of storage tanks does HAGRA have?
HAGRA's stock of used storage tanks can be devided into two groups.
Transport tanks
The transporttanks have a single stainless steel jacket. These tanks are not isolated. They have a central man-hole. Cleaning is done by a built-in spray-ball. Generally, these tanks are small sized, between 250 and 1200 litres. Because they were designed to contain milk, they have a very hygienic finishing, both on the inside and on the outside. The high-class stainless steel (AISI 304/ DIN 1.4301) jacket ensures an enduring lifespan.
The most common makes are Sparo, Alfa Laval and Mueller.
A special advantage of these tanks is that they can be vacuumized.
Former milk cooling tanks
The former milk cooling tanks are equal to those described in the section Bulk Milk Coolers. The tanks that are sold as storage tanks (with no need to serve as a cooler) are tanks that have lost the ability to cool. These tanks are sold at a considerable lower price than the cooling tanks.
Because of the isolating layer in between the two jackets, these tanks are very well suited to keep a fluid cold or warm for considerable lengths of time. Depending on the difference between the inside and the outside temperature of the tank, the content of the tank will warm up (or cool down) only 1-3° C in 24 hours.
HAGRA has storage tanks in the capacity range of 1600 litres until about 8000 litres, the exact stock can be found through the stockpage.