Bulk Milk Coolers, Bulk Storage Tanks,
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Power conversion

Two scales for power capacity indication are commonly used, the old Horse Power (HP) notation, and the "modern" S.I. notation in kiloWatts (kW).

Power conversion tool

Type the known value in the appropriate box,
click the button next to that box,
and the other values will be calculated.

Horse Power (HP)

kiloWatt (kW)

(use a dot ( . ) as a decimal point to convert non-integer values)

Horse Power and kiloWatt conversion formula

  From English Units    To Metric Units    Multiply by

   ton (refrig)               kW                 3.517
      Btu/s                   kW                 1.054
   hp (electric)               W               745.7
      Btu/h                    W                 0.2931

Click here for other conversion tools