As of the late 1960's the first milk cooling tanks came to Holland to replace the old system of non-isolated, non-cooled, iron milk buckets. Soon the worldwide marketleader in the cow-milking branch called Alfa Laval entered this new market. Their experience, and widespread distribution network guaranteed a substantial market share. In the year 1993 the brand name was changed to Alfa Laval Agri. Another name change occured in the year 2000, when the current name DeLaval was introduced. The Alfa Laval brand name is so well known in the dairy and farm machinery field, that it will linger in people's minds and speech for many more years. On the HAGRA website, both names will be used, depending on the age of the equipment. HAGRA can offer you a wide range of used DeLaval/Alfa Laval milk cooling tanks in numerous models and measures of capacity varying from 200 litres to 34000 litres. Look at our current stock to see all the tanks that are available immediately.
DeLaval and Alfa Laval tanks originate from the Swedish company currently known as DeLaval, which is part of the multinational corporation "Tetra Laval group". Many tanks that were placed in Holland were also manufactured in Holland. In 2004, the production of Delaval tanks was moved to Poland.
Nine models are dominantly available:
The classic type of Alfa Laval bulk milk coolers is the HCA model.
The HCA-model capacity range varies from 1250 litres to a maximum of 4230 litres.
The table below shows all types, their capacity, and their measures.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
HCA 1200 | 1250 | 1893 | 1250 | 1460 | 1150 |
HCA 1500 | 1600 | 2283 | 1250 | 1460 | 1150 |
HCA 1800 | 1900 | 2673 | 1250 | 1460 | 1150 |
HCA 2100 | 2200 | 2518 | 1400 | 1575 | 1250 |
HCA 2400 | 2500 | 2833 | 1400 | 1575 | 1250 |
HCA 2700 | 2850 | 3148 | 1400 | 1575 | 1250 |
HCA 3000 | 3175 | 2813 | 1550 | 1700 | 1365 |
HCA 3500 | 3700 | 3223 | 1550 | 1700 | 1365 |
HCA 4000 | 4230 | 3623 | 1550 | 1700 | 1365 |
A special type of Alfa Laval milk cooling tanks is the HCA-C model, also known as "Compact". This unique and very aesthetical type of tanks has the condensing unit, the cleaning unit and the control unit built within the outer shell of the tank. A major advantage of this model is the ease of installation, simply apply a power cable, and a hot and cold water supply, and the tank is ready for use. Installation costs are minimal.
The HCA-C-model capacity range varies from 1600 litres to a maximum of 7800 litres.
The table below shows all types, their capacity, their measures, and the electric power of the condensing unit(s).
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) | Cooling Capacity (in HP) |
Cooling Capacity (in kW) |
HCA-C 1500 | 1600 | 2750 | 1400 | 1590 | 1320 | 2.0 | 1.5 |
HCA-C 1700 | 1785 | 2970 | 1400 | 1590 | 1320 | 2.5 | 1.9 |
HCA-C 2000 | 2150 | 3300 | 1400 | 1590 | 1320 | 2.5 | 1.9 |
HCA-C 2500 | 2700 | 3300 | 1550 | 1700 | 1430 | 3.0 | 2.2 |
HCA-C 3000 | 3175 | 3650 | 1550 | 1700 | 1430 | 2 x 2.0 | 2 x 1.5 |
HCA-C 3500 | 3700 | 3260 | 1800 | 1950 | 1680 | 2 x 2.5 | 2 x 1.9 |
HCA-C 4000 | 4230 | 3560 | 1800 | 1950 | 1680 | 2 x 3.0 | 2 x 2.2 |
HCA-C 4500 | 4750 | 3860 | 1800 | 1950 | 1680 | 2 x 3.0 | 2 x 2.2 |
HCA-C 5000 | 5300 | 3740 | 2000 | 2080 | 1750 | 2 x 3.5 | 2 x 2.6 |
HCA-C 6000 | 6350 | 4220 | 2000 | 2080 | 1750 | 2 x 4.0 | 2 x 3.0 |
HCA-C 7500 | 7800 | 5030 | 2000 | 2080 | 1750 | 2 x 5.0 | 2 x 3.7 |
A common type of Alfa Laval milk cooling tanks, introduced in the 1990's, is the MG-Plus or MG+ model. This tank has the cleaning unit and the control unit built onto the front of the tank. The condensing unit is separate, and can be installed at the most appropriate place. In comparison to earlier Alfa Laval tanks, this model is very energy-efficient. The large evaporator capacity allows the use of the tank for 2-milkings cooling and storage.
The MG-Plus model capacity range varies from 1200 litres to a maximum of 7800 litres.
The table below shows all types, their capacity, and their measures.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
MG+ 1150 | 1200 | 1955 | 1400 | 1550 | 1250 |
MG+ 1300 | 1400 | 2120 | 1400 | 1550 | 1250 |
MG+ 1600 | 1700 | 2450 | 1400 | 1550 | 1250 |
MG+ 2000 | 2150 | 2890 | 1400 | 1550 | 1250 |
MG+ 2500 | 2700 | 3440 | 1400 | 1550 | 1250 |
MG+ 3000 | 3200 | 2440 | 1800 | 1920 | 1620 |
MG+ 3500 | 3700 | 2740 | 1800 | 1920 | 1620 |
MG+ 4000 | 4230 | 3040 | 1800 | 1920 | 1620 |
MG+ 4500 | 4750 | 3340 | 1800 | 1920 | 1620 |
MG+ 5000 | 5300 | 3110 | 2000 | 2050 | 1750 |
MG+ 6000 | 6350 | 3590 | 2000 | 2050 | 1750 |
MG+ 6750 | 7025 | 3905 | 2000 | 2050 | 1750 |
MG+ 7500 | 7800 | 4225 | 2000 | 2050 | 1750 |
A common type of Alfa Laval milk cooling tanks, introduced in the 1990's, is the CH-Plus or CH+ model. This tank has the cleaning unit and the control unit built onto the front of the tank. The condensing unit is separate, and can be installed at the most appropriate place. In comparison to earlier Alfa Laval tanks, this model is very energy-efficient. The large evaporator capacity allows the use of the tank for 2-milkings cooling and storage. The round shape of the tank, with relatively small widths, and long lengths, makes the CH-Plus model very appropriate for narrow tank rooms.
The CH-Plus model capacity range varies from 1100 litres to a maximum of 5000 litres.
The table below shows all types, their capacity, and their measures.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
CH+ 1100 | 1160 | 2027 | 1170 | 1605 | 1345 |
CH+ 1400 | 1480 | 2407 | 1170 | 1610 | 1345 |
CH+ 1650 | 1750 | 2732 | 1170 | 1615 | 1345 |
CH+ 2000 | 2150 | 2517 | 1340 | 1775 | 1515 |
CH+ 2600 | 2740 | 3022 | 1340 | 1785 | 1515 |
CH+ 3200 | 3340 | 3032 | 1440 | 1875 | 1615 |
CH+ 4000 | 4150 | 3622 | 1440 | 1880 | 1615 |
CH+ 4850 | 5000 | 4242 | 1440 | 1885 | 1615 |
A less-known type of Alfa Laval Agri milk cooling tanks, introduced in the 1990's, is the HCA-N-Plus or HCA-N+ model. This tank has the cleaning unit and the control unit (the same units as used on the MG-plus and CH-plus tanks) built onto the front of the tank. The condensing unit is separate, and can be installed at the most appropriate place. The Alfa Laval Agri HCA-N milk cooling tanks were produced in France, at the Prominox factory. The inner tank has an oval shape, the outer tank jacket has a flat bottom. The tank legs are very sturdy.
The HCA-N-Plus model capacity range varies from 5000 litres to a maximum of 16000 litres.
The table below shows all types, their capacity, and their measures.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
HCA-N+ 5000 | 5200 | 3400 | 1850 | 1860 | 1590 |
HCA-N+ 6000 | 6200 | 3940 | 1850 | 1860 | 1590 |
HCA-N+ 8000 | 8200 | 3640 | 2350 | 2240 | 1970 |
HCA-N+ 10000 | 10400 | 4450 | 2350 | 2270 | 2000 |
HCA-N+ 12500 | 13000 | 5410 | 2350 | 2300 | 2030 |
HCA-N+ 14000 | 15000 | 6215 | 2350 | 2300 | 2030 |
HCA-N+ 16000 | 16500 | 6820 | 2350 | 2330 | 2060 |
The RFT type of Alfa Laval milk coolers is designed for smaller quantities of milk. As the pictures reveal it is an "open" model, that is, in stead of just a manhole, the lid covers the entire top of the tank. A condensing unit is already connected to the tank, so installation costs are minimal.
RFT tanks have a capacity range of 200 to 1400 litres.
The table below shows all types, their capacity, their measures, and the electric power of the condensing unit.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
E (in mm.) |
Cooling Capacity (in HP) |
Cooling Capacity (in kW) |
RFT 200 | 200 | 1250 | 772 | 1532 | 975 | 802 | 0.33 | 0.25 |
RFT 330 | 320 | 1538 | 1010 | 1791 | 1096 | 819 | 0.50 | 0.37 |
RFT 430 | 430 | 1538 | 1010 | 1963 | 1268 | 991 | 0.50 | 0.37 |
RFT 480 | 480 | 1538 | 1010 | 2015 | 1320 | 1043 | 0.75 | 0.56 |
RFT 520 | 530 | 1638 | 1110 | 2075 | 1380 | 991 | 0.75 | 0.56 |
RFT 650 | 660 | 1983 | 1280 | 1765 | 1300 | 929 | 1.00 | 0.75 |
RFT 730 | 740 | 1983 | 1280 | 1839 | 1374 | 1003 | 1.00 | 0.75 |
RFT 800 | 820 | 2193 | 1410 | 1720 | 1322 | 937 | 1.25 | 0.94 |
RFT 1030 | 1050 | 2193 | 1410 | 1896 | 1498 | 1113 | 1.25 | 0.94 |
RFT 1250 | 1250 | 2305 | 1608 | 2157 | 1461 | 1068 | 2.00 | 1.50 |
RFT 1400 | 1400 | 2305 | 1608 | 2265 | 1569 | 1194 | 2.00 | 1.50 |
The RO model of Alfa Laval bulk milk coolers is designed for larger quantities of milk. It is an older model, manufactured in Canada, under the De Laval label.
The RO-model capacity range varies from 2400 litres to a maximum of 8000 litres.
The table below shows all types, their capacity, and their measures.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
RO600 | 2400 | 2100 | 1680 | 1740 | 1310 |
RO800 | 3200 | 2660 | 1680 | 1740 | 1310 |
RO1000 | 4000 | 3195 | 1680 | 1740 | 1310 |
RO1250 | 5000 | 3890 | 1680 | 1740 | 1310 |
RO1500 | 6000 | 3353 | 2000 | 1956 | 1550 |
RO2000 | 8000 | 4268 | 2000 | 1956 | 1550 |
The HCA-G model of Alfa Laval farm milk coolers could be seen as a more modern continuation of the RO model. It has a slight oval shape, much less oval than the RO model. It was designed for larger quantities of milk. It was manufactured in Holland, during just a few years.
Because we do not have any original documentation of the HCA-G model, our knowledge of the capacity range is limited to the tanks we have purchased in the past.
The HCA-G capacity range varies from at least 3500 litres to at least a maximum of 6000 litres, based on our current knowledge.
The table below shows some types, their capacity, and their measures, as far as we know them.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
HCA-G 3500 | 3500 | ||||
HCA-G 4000 | 4000 | ||||
HCA-G 4500 | 4500 | ||||
HCA-G 5000 | 5000 | 3290 | 1800 | 1870 | 1660 |
HCA-G 6000 | 6000 | 3910 | 1800 | 1870 | 1660 |
Since the Alfa Laval company was renamed to Alfa Laval Agri, and later to DeLaval, a new type of bulk milk coolers was introduced, the DX/CE model. This tank has the cleaning unit and the control unit built onto the front of the tank. The condensing unit is separate, and can be installed at the most appropriate place. This model is very energy-efficient, and uses 40 percent less water in the cleaning process. The cleaning process is also 60 percent shorter in duration than earlier models. The large evaporator capacity allows the use of the tank for 2-milkings cooling and storage. The DX/CE tanks that are delivered in The Netherlands are all equipped with the trustworthy T200 or T250 Hygenius control and cleaning unit.
The DX/CE model capacity range varies from 1280 litres to a maximum of 33790 litres.
From the size 14000 litres, the tank is called DX/CEM, and has a different, more oval shape.
The table below lists all types, their capacity, and their measures.
Tank type | Max. Capacity (in litres) |
A (in mm.) |
B (in mm.) |
C (in mm.) |
D (in mm.) |
DX/CE 1150 | 1280 | 1950 | 1400 | 1540 | 1351 |
DX/CE 1300 | 1450 | 2115 | 1400 | 1536 | 1351 |
DX/CE 1600 | 1775 | 2445 | 1400 | 1535 | 1351 |
DX/CE 2000 | 2210 | 2885 | 1400 | 1535 | 1351 |
DX/CE 2500 | 2750 | 3435 | 1400 | 1535 | 1351 |
DX/CE 3000 | 3260 | 2435 | 1800 | 1889 | 1704 |
DX/CE 3500 | 3810 | 2735 | 1800 | 1889 | 1704 |
DX/CE 4000 | 4460 | 3035 | 1800 | 1889 | 1704 |
DX/CE 4500 | 4910 | 3335 | 1800 | 1889 | 1704 |
DX/CE 5000 | 5365 | 3105 | 2000 | 2002 | 1824 |
DX/CE 6000 | 6410 | 3585 | 2000 | 2002 | 1824 |
DX/CE 6750 | 7105 | 3900 | 2000 | 2000 | 1813 |
DX/CE 7500 | 7800 | 4220 | 2000 | 2023 | 1814 |
DX/CE 8000 | 8450 | 4550 | 2000 | 2052 | 1820 |
DX/CE 8600 | 9030 | 4155 | 2150 | 2214 | 2045 |
DX/CE 9700 | 10080 | 4555 | 2150 | 2234 | 2096 |
DX/CE 11000 | 11315 | 5105 | 2150 | 2236 | 2096 |
DX/CE 12000 | 12435 | 5555 | 2150 | 2236 | 2096 |
DX/CEM 14000 | 14495 | 5215 | 2270 | 2635 | 2353 |
DX/CEM 16000 | 16430 | 5866 | 2270 | 2643 | 2391 |
DX/CEM 18000 | 18680 | 6495 | 2270 | 2643 | 2391 |
DX/CEM 20000 | 20845 | 5550 | 2522 | 3121 | 2950 |
DX/CEM 24000 | 24150 | 6550 | 2522 | 3121 | 2950 |
DX/CEM 32000 | 33790 | 8550 | 2522 | 3185 | 3035 |
Besides cooling, Alfa Laval milk cooling tanks can also be used to heat a fluid or simply to keep it isolated and warm/cold. See storage tanks for further information on this issue.